
In person & Telehealth Services Available

In person appointment location:

10540 S. Western Ave, Suite 506

Chicago, IL 60643

Initial Assessment / Evaluation


The initial session is where an evaluation is completed to gather information, evaluate the needs of the client, appropriateness of fit and if so, identification treatment goals. This session is 53 minutes in length.

In Network Insurance Provider for:

Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) of Illinois PPO & Blue Choice PPO

*Most or all of your session cost may be covered by your insurance if you are in network. Check with member services for your insurance plan for your specific co-pay / co-insurance and deductible information.

Individual Sessions


Individual sessions are 53 minutes in length.

Couples / Family Sessions


Couple, marital, pre-marital, and family sessions are 53 minutes in length.

To get started, click the link to request an appointment…